Saturday, 18 January 2014

New Spacesuit for better health of Astronauts

Researchers have developed a new spacesuit for astronauts which presses down on its wearer to keep their bones in good health. Researchers at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Germany have designed this Skinsuit for astronauts to keep their posture in check. Simon Evetts, the lead of the Medical Projects and Technology Team at EAC, said that the Skinsuit exerts force on its wearer from the shoulders towards the feet.
“It looks like a tight-fitting Lycra suit you might find at Olympic swimming pools,” he told ABC News. “There are individually tailored, so that the right amount of fore is provided to each astronaut,” he said.
The technology simulates the force an astronaut feels on Earth to keep their skeletons healthy.
                                                --The above is the news generated by Press Trust Of  India

1 comment:

  1. Better one... technology & medical can do anything...
