Thursday, 30 January 2014

Shape Science on twitter!
Now Shape Science is also on twitter. Follow us on twitter and get in touch with our latest posts. You can also follow Shape Science by clicking on the Follow button on the right side of the page. Now Shape Science is also on twitter. Follow us on twitter @ShapeScience and get in touch with our latest posts. You can also follow Shape Science by clicking on the Follow button on the right side of the page.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Stephen Hawking Says
There Are No Black Holes

Stephen Hawking has a big announcement. No, it's not that aliens exist or that humans won't survive another 1,000 years on Earth. The physicist claims, in a paper posted online Wednesday, that the idea of an event
horizon—the point of no return at a black hole—conflicts with quantum theory. With no event horizons, there are no black holes, according to Hawking.
“There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory,” Hawking told Nature News. Quantum theory, however, “enables energy and information to escape from a black hole.” Instead of an event horizon, Hawking's new paper proposes a so-called apparent horizon, which would suck in matter and eventually spit it out in a much different form. Hawking says trying to predict what this matter will be like would be like trying to predict the weather: possible, but very difficult to do. 
For more details, including some skepticism from other physicists, read the story at Nature News.
                                                                --The above is the report generated by Popular Science

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

We are now also on facebook!!
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Monday, 20 January 2014

Alien Spaceships spotted on
Google Maps?

Aliens on moon? A mysterious triangular wedge-shaped object that looks like an alien ‘spaceship’ has been spotted on the moon by Google Maps. The controversial images appear to show the object with a row of seven light dots along the edge, and many UFO sites have reportedly likened the object to an alien spaceship. The two-sided on the moon surface was discovered by paranormal researcher, identified as WowForReel, who posted a video of the finding online, reported.

“After going there on Google Moon and starting at this thing for quite a long time I can say yes, it is really there not faked and I have no clue what it is,” WowForReel said in the YouTube video description. The gigantic shape actually looks like the leading edge of an immense, triangular spaceship, similar to super secret Stealth aircraft technology, according to Techandgadgetnews.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

New Spacesuit for better health of Astronauts

Researchers have developed a new spacesuit for astronauts which presses down on its wearer to keep their bones in good health. Researchers at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Germany have designed this Skinsuit for astronauts to keep their posture in check. Simon Evetts, the lead of the Medical Projects and Technology Team at EAC, said that the Skinsuit exerts force on its wearer from the shoulders towards the feet.
“It looks like a tight-fitting Lycra suit you might find at Olympic swimming pools,” he told ABC News. “There are individually tailored, so that the right amount of fore is provided to each astronaut,” he said.
The technology simulates the force an astronaut feels on Earth to keep their skeletons healthy.
                                                --The above is the news generated by Press Trust Of  India